混合活动标杆:2021 Dreamforce (by GPJ)



类型: 其它
时间: 2022-05-08 00:00:00
地址: 线上

代理商 北京GPJ市场顾问有限公司



If you were one of the millions who tuned into Dreamforce ‘21, you’ve seen how great a live + digital experience can be. You felt the energy and the inspiration, you enjoyed every minute, because it was JUST. THAT. GOOD.

如果你是参与2021Dreamforce中一员的话,你就会体验到 现场+数字体验的精妙之处,你能感受到能量与灵感,你将会享受每一分钟,因为就是那么好!

For Salesforce’s immersive brand festival, Dreamforce 2021, hybrid broke the status quo and scaled up engagement to new heights unmatched by standalone physical and digital events. A complex yet perfect balance of technology, strategy, client relationship and understanding of a brand’s identity, Dreamforce was a colossal achievement, informed and imagined through experiential design.

对于Salesforce的沉浸式品牌2021 Dreamforce,混合活动打破了现状,将参与度提升到了独立线下活动与数字体验活动无法比拟的新高度。


Since 2009, we’ve continued to build a trusted relationship with our clients to renew and elevate the attendee experience, with new innovations every year. In 2020, we went all-in with digital, at Dreamforce To You. This year, adding to our global audience online, we brought Trailblazers back in person to the beloved Dreamforce National Park on Howard Street in San Francisco. We had to do it safely, and through measures such as testing, screening and proof of vaccination, we did so.

自2009年以来,我们与客户保持着值得信赖的关系。已更新和提升参会者的现场体验。2020年,在Freamfoce To Youn给全力以赴。

2021年,为了增减全球观众的在线,会将 Trailblazers带回到旧金山DreamForce国家公园。为做到这一点,全面实现通过监测、筛查和疫苗接种

Salesforce+ took all the learning and charm of the in-person experience and raised the bar into a cinematic production. Partnering with the best in broadcast production and utilizing the optimal technology stack, the Dreamforce team, together with our partners at NOMOBO streamed a whole virtual component led with simple but intuitive UX/UI, live broadcasts, content on-demand and a variety of channels to engage with. Viewers had access to all the same content as those in person, while treated with top notch production and direction to keep attendees glued to the screen. And with over 100M viewers, the results speak for themselves.

Salesforce+ 吸收了亲身体验的所有学习和魅力,并将标准提升为电影制作。Dreamforce 团队与广播制作领域的佼佼者合作并利用最佳技术堆栈,与我们在 NOMOBO 的合作伙伴一起以简单但直观的 UX/UI、直播、内容点播和各种渠道为主导的整个虚拟组件流式传输参与。观众可以访问与亲自观看的所有内容相同的内容,同时采用一流的制作和指导,让与会者紧盯着屏幕。拥有超过 1 亿观众,结果不言而喻。


So that’s how a brand like Salesforce pulled off a unified, pitch-perfect, content-rich, beautifully produced, safe and engaging experience at scale. That’s how you do hybrid. Contact us now to learn more!





Dreamforce 2020 设计之路指南


Dreamforce 2019 设计之路指南

