


类型: 晚宴
项目品牌: Hennessy 轩尼诗
时间: 2020-09-25
地址: 上海 外滩十八号

代理商 上海奥德旺企业营销策划有限公司

作为一个历史悠久的品牌,轩尼诗继1859年从上海首度登陆中国,又于上周末(9月25-26日),将其全球首家概念酒吧BLENDS by Hennessy落户上海外滩十八号,续写品牌传奇历程 。

Few brands in the world are as storied as the illustrious Hennessy and last weekend, (25th - 26th Sept) marked yet another chapter in that journey. 161 years after arriving in cosmopolitan Shanghai, the celebrated Cognac Maison has established BLENDS by Hennessy, their first Concept Bar in the world, located at the iconic Bund 18.


Shanghai has always been a capital of nightlife, a global intersection that brings together cultures from across the world to create a completely unique, optimistic future-focused vibe. It’s a vibe that resonates strongly with Hennessy and set the creative tone for the Opening Gala and Party. An alchemy of cultures, colours, notes and tones, past and future, called for a fully sensorial immersive experience, inspired by cognac culture, cocktail inspirations and city life, all in full 360 colour.


Visual story telling brought to life themes of each innovative cocktail complimenting the meal, including tropes of old Shanghai with its art deco neon-lit urbanity, to aged calligraphy from the Maison past, right up to modern and futuristic abstract representations of fusion across the full spectrum of colour, as related sensory sounds tingled the senses in the background. Guests also enjoyed a screening direct from the Charente, as Cai GuoQiang presented his BLENDS firework show from the Home of Hennessy.

奥德旺在此预祝 BLENDS by Hennessy概念酒吧 盆满钵盈,宾客满堂,成为上海又一打卡必去之地。

Destined to become one of the places to be in Shanghai, AUDITOIRE wishes BLENDS by Hennessy every success.



