乐高 @ 第三届进博会



类型: 展会展览
时间: 2020-11-12
地址: 上海

代理商 埃培智市场咨询(上海)有限公司


That’s a wrap! The China International Import Expo (CIIE) is China's largest import exhibition held every November. For the third consecutive year, we’ve helped The LEGOGroup and DOW create their CIIE experiences, attracting a large crowds of visitors across six days.


The LEGO Group’s Rebuild the World Experience


The LEGO Group booth was designed to demonstrate LEGO® play experience’s creativity, endless imagination and the power of play for Chinese consumers. This year’s theme was Rebuild the World, seeing the world through children’s eyes. To showcase this, we placed the LEGO 3D model at the center of the experience where visitors had the opportunity to build and upload their creations to the digital screen, sharing it with everyone at CIIE.


Other key highlights of the LEGO Group booth include:

乐高之书 ,介绍了乐高集团进入中国的历史和旅程

LEGO Book where we introduced the LEGO Group’s history and journey into China

乐高玩具 ,展示了乐高品牌最新产品,包括悟空小侠、中国节日、Mindstorms、幻影忍者、城市、机械组、好朋友和得宝®系列等。

LEGO Toy , showcasing latest LEGO products includingLEGO Monkie Kid, Chinese Festivals, Mindstorms, Ninjago, City, Technic, Friends and Duplo, etc.

乐高教育 ,庆祝乐高教育成立40周年,并介绍乐高教育K-12解决方案,最新的SPIKE™ Prime产品和FIRST®乐高®联赛。

LEGO Education , celebrating LEGO® Education 40th Anniversary and introducing LEGO® Education K-12 solutions, the latest SPIKE™ Prime products as well as the FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge.

可持续发展区 ,乐高集团发布了其全球2022年可持续发展计划,其重点是促进儿童的发展和福祉,减少环境污染,为员工创造一个安全和有保障的工作场所。今年,乐高基金会、乐高集团携手本地合作伙伴,在中国开启针对视障儿童的乐高®盲文积木颗粒项目。

Sustainability. The LEGO Group has announced its 2022 sustainability plan globally, which focuses on promoting children’s development and wellbeing, reducing environmental footprint and creating a safe and supporting workplace for employees. This year, for the very first time, LEGO Foundation and the LEGO Group partner with local partner to test the the LEGO® Braille Bricks for blind and visually impaired children in China.



