Emporio Armani 2020-2021秋冬男女装系列时装秀



类型: 其它
项目品牌: ARMANI 阿玛尼
时间: 2020-10-24
地址: 成都

代理商 上海艾德韦宣商务咨询有限公司

10月24日,Emporio Armani 2020-2021秋冬男女装系列时装秀登陆成都。

On October 24th, the Emporio Armani's 2020-2021 Fall/Winter Men's and Women's wear collection show made its official landing in Chengdu.

此次秀场空间由ACTIVATION EVENTS倾心打造,整个LED屏幕被Emporio Armani的 Logo充满,黑红白三色的碰撞组合,带给宾客们不一样的视觉感受。

The show space was meticulously created by ACTIVATION EVENTS. The space was crafted with the layout of Milan Fashion Week. With LED screens filled with Emporio Armani logos, the stark collision of black, red and white presented guests with a distinctive visual experience.


The show space perfectly echoed the black design theme of this season, and was full lighting that gave it an alluring yet mysterious appeal.


The models strutted out accompanied by pulsing beats, fully interpreting the elegant style of Armani aesthetics.



Emporio Armani全球形象代言人易烊千玺、演员文淇、王霏霏等受邀出席此次大秀,共同领略Emporio Armani都市前卫风格的迷人魅力。

Emporio Armani's global brand ambassador Jackson Yee, actor Wen Qi, and Wang Feifei along with others were invited to attend the show to appreciate the charm of Emporio Armani's urban avant-garde style.

秀后的Afterparty延续秀场的黑色主调,红色的灯光环绕整个空间,呼应秀场空间设计。更别出心裁的设有Emporio Armani扭蛋机,增加party的趣味性。在DJ的动感音乐中,现场宾客共同狂欢,将派对氛围推向最高潮。

The Afterparty continued the black theme of the show, along with red lights surrounding the entire space, echoing the design of the show space. What’s more, there were Emporio Armani gashapon machines ingeniously used to increase the lively energy of the party. With the vibrant music of the DJ, the guests have joined together and brought the party to the climax.



