


类型: 其它
项目品牌: DIOR 迪奥
时间: 2020-12-08
地址: 北京

代理商 上海艾德韦宣商务咨询有限公司


On December 8, the DIOR 2021 Fall Menswear Collection had an extraordinary and lively launch at Beijing’s Phoenix Centre.


As an iconic cultural and artistic landmark, the Beijing Phoenix Centre is the ultimate product of local design along with the latest in modern technology, as well as the combination of Chinese and Western architectural elements, which impeccably fit DIOR's brand concept of inheriting classics and striving for innovation.


This launch event has presented DIOR’s pioneering perspective and technological charm in an ingenious format, bringing the soul of DIOR Paris directly to China via an immersive visual experience, dispelling the tangible borders of traditional shows, while retaining the real and sensible audiovisual experience.


The show space was surrounded by endless stream of giant LED screens, constantly shifting lights and shadows along with dotted stars. Allowing guests to feel as if they were falling into the vast and boundless universe, reflecting the pioneering spirit of DIOR Menswear Director KIM JONES who boldly pursues the mystery of time and space.

此次发布会通过意识流的形式呈现出宇宙的故事,屏幕所呈现的虚拟秀场充满着科幻未来感,由法国导演Thomas Vanz拍摄制作。通过不断变化的光影效果,时而置身于太空,时而漫游于火星,时而探索于银河,梦幻又新奇。

The show presented the story of the universe in the form of a stream of consciousness. The virtual show on the screen was full of sci-fi futuristic sense, filmed and produced by French director Thomas Vanz. Through ever-changing light and rapid shadow effects, which sometimes in space, sometimes roaming Mars, and sometimes exploring the Milky Way, truly crafted a fantastic and novel experience.


On the evening of the event, the invited celebrities caused the scene to become dazzling. With five gentlemen, including Huang Xuan, Wang Junkai, and Chen Feiyu, performing a wonderful catwalk on the curtain call of this fashion art blockbuster. While Deng Ziqi and other singersbrought outstanding and dynamic performances which ignited energy of the audience.

ACTIVATION EVENTS 荣幸助力DIOR,呈现奇趣梦幻的发布会秀场空间,见证法国高级时装屋DIOR融合创新、探寻时空的非凡魅力。

ACTIVATION EVENTS was honored to team up with DIOR, presenting a fantastic and dreaming show space, witnessing Dior, the French high-end fashion house’s integration of innovation and its astonishing charm of exploring time and space.

* Set designed by Villa Eugenie



