She’s Mercedes五周年



类型: 试乘试驾
项目品牌: Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰
时间: 2020-11-20
地址: 西双版纳

代理商 上海艾德韦宣商务咨询有限公司

11月12日,作为奔驰梦车家族中「智」与「美」的经典, 新一代梅赛德斯-奔驰E级轿跑车及敞篷轿跑车于云南西双版纳盛大面世。

On November 12, the new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupé & Cabriole successfully launched at XiShuangBanNa, unveiled its unmatched performance, classic design and luxury intelligence to the world.

ACTIVATION EVENTS负责此次活动进行创意设计策划及执行,完美展现了新一代梅赛德斯-奔驰E级轿跑车及敞篷轿跑车「尽智·尽美」的卓越魅力。

ACTIVATION EVENTS was honored to be invited to be solely responsible for this experiential event's planning and implementation, showing the charming of new Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupé & Cabriole with “Beauty and Intelligence at its Finest”.



Based on the colorful tropical botanical garden in XiShuangBanNa, the event was designed with dai style, paper-cut, bodhi-ci and other aesthetic inspiration, incorporating modern scientific and technological elements. In this "wisdom and beauty blend" inspiration space, two dream cars made fantasy appearance.

与此同时,历时两天的She’s Mercedes五周年探寻之旅于西双版纳精彩开启,嘉宾们在千年茶山、婆娑雨林、参天古木、蜿蜒江河中感受自然之美的力量;在傣家竹楼、贝叶祈福、慢轮制陶、纹板织锦中感知人文之美的深度。放下城市中繁华的沉重,找到真实的自己。

At the same time, the two-day She’s Mercedes 5-Year Anniversary Journey was launched in XiShuangBanNa. The guests sheltered among ancient tea-tree plantation, rain forests, and meandering rivers, to explore the power of natural beauty, and nurtured themselves by Bay leaf, Dai pottery and dialect embroidery works, to understand the humanities and culture and finally to arouse people's desire for beauty and find your true self.

She’s Mercedes 5周年生日会现场

11月14日,She’s Mercedes 5周年生日会也于西双版纳完美落下帷幕。当晚,梅赛德斯-奔驰品牌大使李娜与众多时代优秀女性集聚,从不同角度讲述发现真实、找到内心力量的过程,共同为She’s Mercedes五周年庆生。

On November 14, She’s Mercedes 5-Year Anniversary Gala Night successfully ended at XiShuangBanNa. At that night, Mercedes-Benz brand ambassador Li Na gathered with many outstanding women, talked about how to see genuine desire and find inner strength from different angles, celebrating She’s Mercedes 5-Year anniversary.


Looking forward to team up with Mercedes-Benz, witnessing more “extremely intelligent beauty”



