Valentino Daydream 欢迎晚宴和秀后派对



类型: 晚宴
项目品牌: Valentino
时间: 2019-11-16
地址: 北京


Artistic Concept and Production by La Mode en Images Paris with LMI China

Photo Credits: SAI Stéphane Aït Ouarab

#maisonvalentino #pierpaolopiccioli #valentinodaydream

#valentinodiner #valentino #TRB Hutong #afterparty #BlueNote #Beijing #Ayunga #张艺兴#layzhang

01 Dinner 欢迎晚宴

11月6日晚,坐落于北京胡同深处的一座百年古建里——嵩祝寺和智珠寺 (TRB Hutong & TEMPLE), MAISON VALENTINO特为7日将进行的高定时装大秀举行秀前晚宴。

Nov 6th 2019, a breezy chilly evening in Beijing

Set in the fascinating and historically-rich TRB / Temple Restaurant, VALENTINO held a special welcome dinner for the press and guests invited for the Haute Couture Show on Nov 7th.

晚宴从设计、定制、搭建到所有细节布置均由La Mode en Images完成。晚宴的布置,依旧延续VALENTINO标志性的红色,作为品牌的经典用色和中华文化的代表颜色。

The Valentino Red, the iconic color of the brand and, at same time, the legendary color defining China, is the key-word.

From lighting design to the custom-made tableware and the table-arts and the exquisite flowers selection – the shades of red facilitate the subtle link across eras, cultures and history between the Italian Renaissance and the exquisite artefacts and crafts of China.


Peking Opera actors performers add the glamour touch to already high glamour and hi-end attendance, reflecting the West meet China concept into an overall perfect event.

02 After party 秀后派对

11 月 7 日晚,衔接着颐和园秀场的华美结束,VALENTINO这一场游园“京”梦悄然在北京前门复燃成一场烛光摇曳的Afterparty。标志性的VALENTINO红色化成灯光与布置,再一次与客人们及公众相见。

Following the splendid Haute Couture show, a late evening afterparty was held in Blue Note Beijing. Classic Valentino Red décor and lighting was once again the main theme of the party.

入口处无数蜡烛暖黄色的光应和着 VALENTINO DAYDREAM 标志性的红,在1.5米大镜球的反射下宛如星光落地。

Thousands of candles twinkle in Valentino Daydream red, and the dreamy dazing ever-turning disco balls add to the glamourous feel of dancing among stars.


As the ambassador of Valentino, Lay Zhang with a team of sensational dancers was the thrilling highlight of the party, igniting the mood when performing two of his most famous songs.
